30 July 2007

Chapter 28: Life = Chaos. [Four years, and what it's taught me...]

[Currently playing: 'Teardrop' by Massive Attack featuring Liz Fraser, formerly of The Cocteau Twins.]

Sometimes, life is just plain chaos.

Today brought me a few new doses of thinking-through, as the 4-year anniversary of my first day at McDonald's draws near [it's next Monday, to be exact]. Four years have gone by, and, I can honestly admit that I'm much smarter, much wiser now, than when I first started. And looking back, these past four years have really taught me a lot.

To start, my family.

- My family loves me, no matter what stupid scrape I get into. Though there are some things that should never be discussed at the family dinner table.

- My family is my family, no matter who's in it, or how odd they are.

- Sometimes, the best person in my corner is a family member.

- No matter what happens, I'll always be Dad's little girl. Always. Even if his big little girl has blue hair.

- Parents have had their rebellion phase in some time or another.

- Sometimes, parents don't always know how much they influence their children. [Example: Dad's sarcasm. And that has rubbed off on me A LOT!!]

- Sometimes, Mom and Dad are my best friends.

- Even when at times they get me mad to the point that I want to throw a pillow at them all and tell them to chill out, I still love my family. They're my family. They're my blood.

...Next up, work.

- Not everybody's going to agree with me.

- *NEWS FLASH* The customer is NOT always right!!

- Managers CAN BE good friends, advisors, and mentors.

- Managers can ALSO be absolute pains in the neck.

- Sometimes, your Managers, Team Leaders/Junior Managers and Coworkers stand between you and a deathwish.

- Work isn't your life, but it can be.

- Some of the dearest people to me are my regular customers--they allow me to be myself, to tell it how it is, because they can relate. They know that feeling. They understand where I'm coming from, because they've been there. [Well, most of them, anyway.]

- System = pain in the ass.

- My Supervisor is actually one of the wisest people I know. [And I'm not just saying that because he's the one who hired me!!]

...And now, love.

- Loyalty is a very, VERY important virtue. Right up there with trust and respect.

- Even if the majority of the men in this world is looking for nothing more than a good getting-laid, there is someone out there for me in this world.

- Men can/will/do misunderstand me. It's aggrevating beyond words.

- My boyfriend and I are a bit opposite, and yet we're quite alike. It's pretty cool, actually.

- Guys can be God's gift to women.

- Guys can also be absolute *insert plural expletive of choice here*.

- Requited love is, actually, my dream. To love, and to be loved in return, for who you are, and for being true to who you are and who you love. Requited love = absolute bliss.

- The love I give to others is returned to me, often, in very small doses.

...The next topic: friends!

- Friends are better than gold!!

- A true friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. [Forgot who said that, but it's very, very true.]

- Friends: better than candy!!

- A good friend can actually bring a laugh, a shoulder to cry on, and a listening ear. All they gotta do is just simply be there.

- A good day out is usually best spent with friends. Usually.

- Sometimes friends just don't get it. And that's actually okay!!

...And finally, life in general.

- Being shy is a bitch.

- Life isn't fair. Never was either.

- I can't change the whole world, but I can at least change my corner of it.

- Society as a whole has a way of fitting in: 'Look like us, act like us, think and speak and live like us, and you will belong.' To which sometimes the best way to respond, in my true blue-haired manner, is to tell the world to simply fuck off [whether spoken or with the infamous fingers] and, in the spirit of Howlin' Pelle Amqvist of the Hives, say 'Hey! Would you like lemon or lime with that piece of advice, Mister!?' [By the way, that also works well with any persuing male that just doesn't get the meaning of Look, I'm not interested, you're not my type. And I have a boyfriend anyway. Now go away! Tried that once!!]

- And anyway, I'd rather be myself to be loved by others. In the end, I answer to my Creator, and not to society.

- God will always love me, forgive me, and be not-too-far from me. Even when He seems distant at times.

- No matter how depressed I get, suicide is not the answer. It's just not worth it.

- When life throws you lemons, make lemonade, sell it, and make mucho moolah.

- Sometimes it's worth going to the walk-in cooler to just scream. You feel much better when you get out.

- Friendship is not just local: it's also global.

- Life is but once. After this it's all eternity.

...so as you can imagine, I have actually grown up quite a ways these past 4 years. And I'm only getting started. I have a whole lifetime to go. But I can't wait for the journey.

I'm not alone on this. I have God, His Son, and His Spirit. I have my family, my fellow Crew. I have Mike, Pouncer, my fellow NOOLers and Angels. I have the people I know and love and think of and care about and pray for each and every day.

I'm not alone.

Stephen Morris supposedly wrote the song 'Procession' [one of the best New Order songs, ever!], and I think it's worth posting in here, because some of the lyrics fit this thing called life so perfectly...

'Procession' [New Order]

There is no end to this
I have seen your face
But I don't recognize all these things
You must have left behind

It's a problem, you know
That's been there all your life
I try to make you see the world without you
That just so black and white

At night it gets cold and
I'd dearly like to turn away
The escape that fills
that makes you want to turn on heel
Alone, alone, alone, alone

There is no end to this
I can't turn away
Another picture but the scene
It's still the same

There is no room to move
Or try to look away
Remember, life is strange
The life keeps getting stranger every day

I try so hard but this attitude's
A type that won't subside
No matter what they say
Remember your heart beats you day and night

Your heart beats you day and night
Your heart beats you day and night
Your heart beats you day and night

If that doesn't fit life like it does, I don't know what else to say.

Until the next round...

~ 'Sunshine'

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me