10 July 2007

~ Chapter 5: And now, on a much LIGHTER note... [The random stuff of the day!] ~

[Currently playing: 'There Is a Light That Never Goes Out' by The Smiths.]

Today it's all MySpace surveys posted by my friend Patty, reposted and answered [AND commented] here by me! :-)

[The 'Random Bits' survey.]
1. When was the last time you shaved your legs? [Last Thursday.]

2. What were you doing this morning at 8? [Breakfast rush. Got on break 15 minutes later.]

3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? [Same thing I'm doing now? *LOL*]

4. What are you wearing? [The work uniform. :-P]

5. Are you mad at anyone right now? [...eh, I could be. :-\ Not naming names though, and don't worry--it's not Mike either!!]

6. Last person to say they loved you? [My dad!]

7. Last time you kissed someone? [Friday afternoon.]

8. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile? [Of course!! It's my favorite song of all time--'Transmission' by Joy Division!!]

9. Last thing received in the mail? [Junk mail. :-\ Meh.]

12. Have you ever been searched by the cops? [Nope.]

[hey, what the helen of troy happened to 13??]

14. How many different drinks have you had today? [Two--water and soda.]

15. What have you eaten today? [Two biscuits with round eggs and bagel sauce (yum!!) and a hashbrown. And that's it!]

16. Are you any good at math?? [Hey, I passed it, barely! Need I say more?]

17.do you have plans this saturday nite? [Preparing for the Morrissey concert on Sunday!! Otherwise, nothing really. Unless someone plans a surprise visit to my apartment. *LOL*]

18. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? [Nope.]

20. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? [Try 56!! *LOL* Never again!!]

21. Do you like the ocean? [Eh, it's alright.]

[hey, what the helen of troy happened to 22??]

23. What are you excited about? [Two things: Morrissey concert Sunday night. And whenever I get to see Mike again.]

24. What did you do last night? [Made 2 copies of a new mix c.d., one for myself and one for Mike.]

25. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? [That I know of, yep.]

26. Where do you keep your change? [My 'mailbag' and my pockets, usually.]

27. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life? [...uh... *not commenting on this one!*]

28. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? [With someone. Not naming names though. It's obvious enough. *insert eyeroll!*]

29. what was the weather like on your birthday? [It was alright last year. This year's gonna be glum though, no matter what the weather. Not stating the obvious reasons though.]

30. Would you ever kiss anyone in your top friends? [Yep. He knows who he is.]

[The 'My Story' survey.]
Hi, my name is: [Jennifer, but good friends and almost the entire city of DeLand knows me as 'Sunshine'. ^_^]

When I'm nervous: [I try not to panic!! But I do have close-to-nervous breakdowns.]

The last song I listened to was: ['Love Action (I Believe in Love)' by the Human League.]

If I were to get married right now my maid of honor would be: [Moonhead is Maid of Honor, Lin-Lin is Matron of Honor, end of!!]

By this time next year I'll be: [Still in DeLand, working at McDonald's and, if I luck out, a Swing Manager!!]

I have a hard time understanding: [The whole fucking 'why' of life!! Even after 23 years!!]

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: [...erm... someone??]

Most recent thing I've bought myself: [Blue hair color for the hair. *LOL*]

Most recent thing someone else bought me: [Breakfast this morning! Thanks again, Carol!! XO]

My favorite hair style is: [Hair halfway tied in two pigtails, the rest loose. I'll have to find a good pic of that.]

My middle name is: [Rose. ...no seriously, it is.]

In the morning I: [Get up, shower, and go to work. Unless it's Sunday. Then it's go to Church after shower. *LOL*]

Last night I was talking to: [...actually, more like TXTing. And in this case it was Yukita.]

If I was an animal I'd be: [A cute and cuddly fluffy kitten. Mew-mew!]

A better name for me would be: [...I dunno, maybe Alexander (I'm a tomboy, and??), or Alexia or Alexiel. Or Josephine, or Jordan. Or maybe even Jaime or James. I could go on and on and on and...]

Tomorrow I am: [Getting up, showering, and working. And then probably blogging and making more mixes too. And probably staying up late. It's great not being able to go anywhere outside of town. Stupid dead car. *sigh*]

Tonight I am: [Hanging out here in the Underground.]

I'm missing: [Someone but I'm not naming names.]

My favorite color is: [Blue!]

My heart is: [Kinda lonely, actually, but fairly full.]

[The '8th-Grade Year' survey...]
Year in 8th grade: School year 1997-1998.

1. Who were your best friends? [Moonhead, Icarus (my first official boyfriend *LOL*, Andy D., Pedro Colina (R.I.P. Summer 2000, you were a good friend Pedro!!), and Zoe.]

2. What sports did you play? [None, unless it was in P.E.]

3. Did you take your lunch? [Nope. We had a cafeteria.]

4. It's Friday night, where were you? [At home!]

5. Were you a party animal? [Nope.]

6. Were you in the "In Crowd"? [Nope, I was the outcast. *LOL* Ironically nearly the entire class knew me, and I was even voted 'Wackiest' in the Superlatives!!]

7. Ever skip school? [In 8th grade?? Not unless you count some classes so I could talk to the Trust Counsellor!! Or Mr. Marcelo's Math class so I could hang out with Zoe's Math class!! Though Mr. Marcelo was always kind enough to let me go hang out in Zoe's class... *LMAO*]

8. Ever smoke? [In 8th grade?? Nope. Never had. Never will.]

9. Were you a nerd? [No, but I'd been called worse names than 'nerd', too. :-\]

10. Did you get suspended/expelled? [Nope.]

11. What did the younger ones think of you? [I don't know. Go ask my brother Robert!]

12. Who was your favorite teacher? [Mr. Marcelo and Mr. Thomas were cool. And Mr. Lopez (Zoe's Math teacher). And Mrs. Fernandez, for making Spanish class actually tolerable!!! !!Todo el gracias en me corazon pa'ti, Senora Fernandez!!]

13. Favorite class? [Math (because Mr. Marcelo actually knew what he was teaching!), Spanish (because Mrs. Fernandez actually made it tolerable!), and P.E. (because I got to hang out with Moonhead and Mamo-chan--hey, what the hell happened to that brat, anyway?>).]

14. What was your school's full name? [Citrus Grove Junior High (Middle) School.

15. School mascot? [...erm, the Eagles, I think... it's been 9 years... damn I'm getting old!!]

16. Did you go to the dances? [Only one--and it was the last dance of the school year too.]

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? [...uhm... probably not...]

18. What do you remember most about Middle School? [Mostly getting bullied about and picked on. And the few brave friends that got my back too.]

19. Favorite memory of your 8th grade year? [Field trip to Universal Studios for the 8th Grade Celebration. Yeah, we took over Universal!! *LMAO* That and hanging out with Zoe, even when we didn't always get along.]

20. Were you ever posted up on the 8th graders wall? [We didn't have one.]

21. Did you have a job your 8th grade year? [Nope.]

22. Where did you go most often for lunch? [The bloody cafeteria!!! Sheesh...]

23. Did you like your eighth grade year? [Eh, it was alright, but I sure wouldn't want to relive it.]

24. How would u describe yourself in 8th grade? [Very shy, very crazy, and very... uhm... misunderstood...]

...well, that's all for now, folks. Until the next round, Cheers!! Mike, Crush!! XOXOXO

~ 'Sunshine'

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me