12 July 2007

Chapter 8: Alright, where's my sledgehammer... [*sigh* Bloody hell.]

[Currently playing: 'Every Day Is Halloween' by Ministry.]

Alright, in the immortal words of New Order, in the song 'Everything's Gone Green', help me, somebody help me. But, this ain't no ordinary S.O. freckin' S. here. I mean, someone hand me a sledgehammer or mace or something.

The next idiot that tries to hit on me is getting cussed out. No joke.

It seems that, as I am single the guys don't hunt me down. Now that I'm with Mike it's hell on earth. And, to be bluntly honest, I don't like it! I mean, I don't mind the attention but, when guys start claiming they can love me better than my guy does, it gets annoying. Very quickly.

So, of course I'm one to just kindly turn them down. 2/3 of the guys that I kindly turn down react with one or more of the following--

--'Oh, okay, that's cool. I understand.'
--*walk away slightly dejected*
--'Oh, that's cool. So you're loyal to your guy? I think he'll appreciate you for it! Keep it up.'

Then again, the remaining 1/3 of the unfortunate souls react with one or more of the following--

--'What? You got a man? What's your man got to do with me?' [Answer, you idiot: Plenty. I've got a man, and it sure as hell ain't you. :-) So, go find yourself another girl and get over it!]
--'You've got a guy, but he's not me! I can be better!' [Uhm, excuse you? You're not him--thank God--and you're too out of my league. What the hell do you take this goth girl for!?]
--'Oh, you've got a guy? Where is he?' [insert answer of 'out-of-town'] 'What!? What's he doing out of town? He's not worth your time then!' [And just how the hell do you know, loser? ;-)]
--'Aww, he's out of town and he left you all alone? I can take care of that... and you. ;-)' [...okay, take care of WHAT? And ME!? Sorry but, you're wrong if you think you can fill up the void.]
--'Cool, he's out of town! Hook up with me instead!!' [And just downright deny the relationship I have?? Congratulations--you just won yourself a one-way-ticket to Loserville! See ya!]

...yes, I've included my own thoughts on how I should've responded aside from a W.T.F.? *LOL* As you can tell or imagine, I'm not quite one to be very nice about the whole matter. In fact, I tend to be a bitch when need be! ^_^ Quite hilarious to watch and stuff... depending on the situation, of course!!

So, that's my rant of the day. Otherwise, I can't really say I did much today. Or maybe I did. *LOL* Maybe a bit much today. Rejected some guys.

...yeah, today was not a waste. *LOL*

Until the next round, Cheers!! XOXOXO Mike, Crush!!

~ 'Sunshine'

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me