For one, y'all probably wondering, What the hell does all that Russian talk mean, Sun!?
means, "I'm your slave, I'm your worker" in Russian. If you're familiar with the Kraftwerk song "Die Roboter," there's a part of the song where the lyrics sung are
Ja tvoi sluga, Ja tvoi Rabotnik
...basically, that's the Russian part of the song.
It all ties in with what tomorrow is. It's Halloween. And I'm going to be the Mensch-Maschine for the occassion. It's gonna be one fun festivity to take lots of pictures for. Trust me.
In other interesting oogle-happy whim, Antenna sent me word on the Morning Roll Call--"all present & accounted for frau kommandant" as he puts it. Evidence:
You know, I'm having a very funny feeling about all this, between Antenna and I and, mind you, he's all the way in New freggin' York!!
...perhaps it is a small good thing to get my hopes up...
In case I'm too busy to post tomorrow, Happy Halloween to all from the Underground!!
Otherwise, not a lot going on today. Antenna sent me another pic to oogle/giggle at. He's such a dork. He's also very cute.
^_^/-_-' I'm happy, but keep in mind he's on the North end of the Country!!
OMG!! Gotta run!! Time Warp is on!!
~ 'Sunshine' [until the next round!!]
ETA [edited to add] By the way, I made a new friend in England. I'm gonna codename her Autobahn. And, she sent me this rather delicious picture [to which I say, f-ck the watermark!! ralf's hawt in this pic anyway!!]...
...yes, possibly the best smile I ever saw on Roboter's face.
*is gonna be having a lot of good dreams tonight...*, seriously, tonight's Evensong for All Saints was good. Very good!
Now, for those of you newbie Excelsians who don't know [or those of you Excelsians who've been reading this Blog for a while but don't know either] what Evensong is, here's the page from Wikipedia [Evening Prayer (Anglican)].
My best definition, Evening Prayer set to music. And it's usually a beautiful late-afternoon service.
At Saint Barnabas in DeLand, our Evensong is usually at 4 in the afternoon, but this one, a very special one, took place at 6 earlier this evening. According to fellow Chorister [Choir member] Henry, who's a bass, it was "the best Evensong in 10 years." And considering I've been with this Choir for two years so far, it's definitely the best Evensong I'd ever been at.
Big treat of the night: A choral performance by the Stetson University Concert Choir.
Oh. Mah. Gawd. They were just phenominal!!
Don't worry, our beloved Choir rocked the house too. Altogether we must've raised the Church roof about 3 feet or so.
Yeah, it was that good!!
The back three pews of both sides were reserved for the Concert Choir, who all in all looked just splendid!!
Jesse, who's in both Choirs, played Cello for Choirmaster Peter's piece "Last Song of Summer" which, really, is just one of those very pretty pieces. Just... gorgeous. We performed that piece during Communion this morning, and as our Prelude to tonight's Evensong. Jesse's an ace at this Cello thing. Oh, and he was our soloist during the Nunc Dimittis choral piece.
Our Processional was a bit unique in that the Choral Procession stopped at the Concert Choir first pew, which meant we sorta fanned out along the sides of the Church. Surreal!! The hymn, "For All the Saints, From Whom Their Labors Rest," had 8 verses, and two of them [verses 5 and 6] were in parts [soprano, alto, tenor, bass]. We took over those two verses. It was just GLORIOUS!!
I tried to catch a shot of my Choir line [as I'm one of the two Choral Processional leaders], but it all happened too quick and all I got was Terry! Ah well. That and it was almost Verse 5 of the hymn at that point.
The Concert Choir switched places with us so they could perform the anthem and four pieces from a Requiem Mass. Trust me, I was just amazed at what I heard--in a good way.
After the Requiem and final prayers, we [both Choirs] led the Congregation in a very rousing hymn-sing of "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones." Add Dr. Rickman, our brilliant Organist [and Organ Teacher at Stetson!!], at the Organ, and the thrill of the Congregation, and you're talkin' one helluva finale to our finest Evensong ever.
This Evensong is definitely going down for the Records!! Best evidence is, I'm still reeling joyously from it!!
I've spent hardly any time this week oogling anything other than a picture of Ralf and a picture of Antenna. News flash: I'm an absolute dork. Big time. And I have no shame in that. But still. I should be oogling other pictures of the Roboter that is Ralf instead of Antenna [even though he is just adorable!!].
Sooo... with that in mind...
Hellooooooooooooo handsome!!
Did I tell you this picture just puts me at a standstill? [Oh, to be the Minimoog Synthesizer at the receiving end of that stare...]
In Vienna we sit at a late night cafe. Straight connection--T.E.E.
I. Love. This. Damn. Picture.
Really, makes me wanna take Ralf out and just hug him to bits. He's so damn cute.
And I. Love. This. Damn. Animation.
Probably the only cool thing since 'Boing Boom Tschak' to jump out from the "Electric Cafe" album. What?
You know, I was thinking something just now, but it's probably best that I don't say it!!
:-X [my lips are sealed--big time!!]
Ooooh, it's tea time... and they saved a seat for me!? Aww...
*especially with ralf's eyes just pleading 'oh please, do join us for tea...' enough to unnerve me stupendously!!*
You know, if this picture were to ever end up in color, or I were to really be at the receiving end of Ralf's half-smile-charming stare, I'd be unable to think clearly for possibly the next 10-15 minutes or so. I kid you not.
I swear, the man is just be-yooooooo-ti-ful.
...yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a dork. But anyway. seriously, he could've fooled me big time with that. I think it's the Roboter but... you never know...
Especially the one all the way to the left... that first one... yeah, him...
...yeah, Ralf. Him. *giggle*
And of course, what Kraftwerk Korner "I <3 Ralf" post would be complete without THIS wonderful gem... Seriously, I could lose a staring contest to this guy. I'd probably look away within, oh, maybe 5 seconds? Or blink. In any case, he'd beat me right there. And I'm tellin' y'all why--it's all about the freckin' eyes!!
My, what beautiful eyes he has...
the better to make the bright sky envy with!!
You know, I think I've found a StarKnight codename for Ralf. And he shall happily be called Roboter because, well, yeah. He's just a wonderful semi-human being and whatnot.
...yes, I must've heard their music waaaaaay too many times, but I can't help it!!
I mean... let's be real... [Werkaholics, sing along!]
We ♥ Kraftwerk and we cannot lie-- them other robots can't deny, that when Ralf and his gang storm up onstage playing music on machines, we get SPRUNG!!
[...yes, my play on 'Baby Got Back'!!]
You know, if I dare ever was at the receiving end of a stare from Roboter I don't think I'd get out of it that easily. Or maybe I'd just drown in it. I don't know. I mean... well, damn. I just love his eyes. They're just so... so...
they're just so schön. Beautiful. Really, they are.
I wonder just how many brave souls have fallen under the wonder of the bright blue eyes... I just wonder...
~ 'Sunshine'
P.S. - 7:06 P.M. - I can't believe it took me three freckin' hours just to do that post!? Good God I'm a dork!!
...well, officially the celebration was LAST Sunday, but I finally got all the pictures in this morning. Yeah, all 21 that I took last Sunday morning.
For those who don't know, Saint Barnabas is the Episcopal Church I attend. I'm the resident Baby of the Alto section in the Choir. This year the Parish is celebrating its 125th anniversary, with the Parish School celebrating its 35th anniversary as well.
By the way, it's also a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence!!
A note about the pictures--I took all the pictures with my camera-phone so, the light might be fairly bright in some of the pictures. That and, I didn't really get to catch a lot of stand-still's so, it's all fairly spur-of-the-moment.
Now, that all said, here are the highlights...
Upon entering, hey!! the Church is packed!! And even StarKnight Ani got into the spirit of dressing up 1880's-ish for the occassion [as the Parishioners were invited to do for this celebration].
Our Church Organ looked nice and lovely for the festivities. And the Choir sounded magnificent! And, I even caught a good shot of the Acolytes and the Assistant Bishop, Hugo Pena-Lopez, who presided over the Service.
The Children's Choir kicked off the Service with "Forever", and the Service went very, very well.
After the Service we had the Procession to the new Family Life Center for the dedication and Proclamation. In front of me, Acolytes. Right behind me, the Choir, Bishop Hugo, the Clergy, and the Congregation. Thankfully I kept my eyes in FRONT of me!!
Standing onstage, the Choirs [both Adult and Children's] sorta assembled, and we waited patiently for the rest of the Procession of Congregants and Clergy to arrive.
After the Congregation arrived and the Processional Party assembled, we had the final festivities before the Lunch! Some "historical figures" gave their account of remembering when Saint Barnabas was founded, which was around the same time as the City of DeLand. Our Mayor Rob Apgar was also present to proclaim Sunday 21 October 2007 as Saint Barnabas Day in DeLand, which was a HUGE thrill to witness.
Then came the Blessing and Dedication of the Building, and then the Choir led in the Doxology "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow." Afterwards Father Don led in the Blessing of the Food, and then it was lunchtime!! Now, you have to understand this funny tidbit--when Bishop Hugo's armed with holy water, no one [I repeat, NO ONE] is safe!!
After eating lunch with Terry and Steffi, I tagged along with a tour of the new upstairs classrooms in the new Building. There were four new classrooms, one of them being the new Skybox. In each classroom Bishop Hugo blessed the four corners, and he even told us some inspiring stories too.
All in all, that was one AMAZING day in Church. I'm glad to have been a part of the festivities, and I can't wait for the next adventure with the Church and my beloved Choir!
For starters, it's 6:34 P.M., "Hey Sandy" is on and I'm feeling a little goofy...
...yep, the adorable moi. Hee.
About 20 minutes ago I took this pic of m'self. Figured everyone could use a much better updated me. Yeah, I cut it that short. Or at least it was much shorter earlier this month when I cut it again. On 1 October. Before my birthday.
Man, me as Ralf for Halloween... this is sooo gonna rawk. Really.
And anyway, what self-respecting Roboter wouldn't want to brag about her cute self to the world a little bit?
But... anywho. Back to music and whatnot.
7:12 P.M. - Back here with the latest, as the single edit of "Trans-Europa Express '91" is on.
...well... not a lot going on, actually...
Yeah, I know, I'm a dork.
Anyway, I'm back to being elusive. Yes, I know, it's a bit lame but, anything is better than talking to someone who just wants to talk about nothing and basically be pointless.
On those kinds of people... FUNK DAT!!
Anywho, back to task on hand. Somewhat.
This week my two best friends from the Choir are hemming my gray pair of pants for Halloween, since they're gosh-awful long. And since good ol' Wal*Mart didn't have anything smaller than a freckin' Size 4, of course the pants fit well on the butt. Unfortunately, they also need a desperate hem-job. So, dear Steffi's gonna double-hem the pants for me, thank God! Plus, she knows what she's doing, unlike myself, who prefers hemming by stapling.
Yeah, it's a bit lame-o on my part, but I can't hem to save my life.
A bit pathetic, but that's the truth, and that's life for y'all.
I think that, this week I'll stop in at Hot Topic and see if they have plain black ties. That way, I've got a plain black tie and I could probably put ten red paint dots on it [to represent the 10 light diodes on the Mensch-Maschinen ties] after it's tied so I don't have to untie and retie for Halloween and whatnot. At the moment all I've got is a boys' clip-on tie, as I can't really tie a tie real well, and plus a boys' tie isn't too big but, hell-ooo!!
7:33 P.M. - "Funk Dat" is on, and Antenna and I are in a chat-happy state of mind!! Yay!!
*LMFAO* Sorry but, "Funk Dat" is just one of the most amusing songs I've ever heard. Makes me laugh every single time.
7:50 P.M. - At the moment Antenna and I are going through the usual file exchange, the side-switching of music for our Kraft-happy enjoyment. Annnnddd, he sent me the pic of him as a Mensch-Maschine too!! *giggle-happy*
7:57 P.M. - "Pretty in Pink" is on, and I'm still giggle-happy over Antenna as a Mensch-Maschine. No, really. He's quite adorable!! What!?
8:25 P.M. - Listening to the soundcheck for "Flying Through the Clouds" by, surprisingly, Kraftwerk. Antenna caught a good soundcheck right there. I absolutely LOVE this song already. Just something so... I don't know... block-rocking about the song. Simple, nothing elaborate, just one helluva cool track. It's amazing to think that the Roboter could think up something so freckin' awesome...
No, really, you have NO idea how cool it really, really is. It's just... damn. You just don't know. You'd have to hear it yourself, basically. I'll get around to posting it one of these days, I promise. It'll have to be featured in the next Kraftwerk Korner, that's for sure.
...yes, I finished hearing that song [8:33 P.M. now, "Hey Sandy" about to end], and it DEFINITELY deserves to be on the next Kraftwerk Korner. End of.
Trust me, your ears will be thrilled to hear it.
8:46 P.M. - I just went through listening to about 3 different mixes of my all-time favorite Killing Joke track: "Adorations." Ace stuff right there.
So anywho, life is kinda quiet here in the Underground. Not a lot going on, not a lot of people either. It must be a Thursday night.
*glancing around the Underground...*
...yep, it must be a Thursday night.
9:00 P.M. - You know, I've kinda come to admire Antenna. He and I might not talk much, but we love Kraftwerk. Oh, to have met him in the days he played with his Minimoog that he had. Oh, to have heard him play "Autobahn" on his Minimoog and Farfisa Organ.
Man, that would've been AWESOMENESS!!
But, seriously... I mean, we're just friends. And we both love Kraftwerk. What are the odds that there could actually be something developing from there?
Worst bit is, he's all the way in New York.
Ah well, at least he's doing alright, I suppose. And, he's a good person to talk to. And, I swear, his Ralf and Florian impersonations are just hysterical.
9:15 P.M. - ...meh, gettin' exhausted but, it's worth the lack of sleep, really. I mean, anything to strike up some charming conversation with him.
...yeah, you can tell there isn't much going on.
9:46 P.M. - ...yeah, still here. Kinda bored.
10:26 P.M. - Yep, still here, still awake, still chattin' up a storm with Antenna.
11:55 P.M. - ...uh... yeah... still up...
...yep, I made an animated me. Yay. I'm hawt.
*giggle* You know, I gotta be at work in 5 hours!?
Got all my morning chores done before 6 A.M. And then, at 6 A.M., the chaos began. And, last I checked, when I clocked out at 1:18 P.M. earlier this afternoon, it was still busy. And by damn I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't slow down a bit.
The highlight of the morning:
...yup, y'all counted proper--$12 in quarters. And I had to freckin' count them all. That was not fun.
Adding to that, I hadn't seen Manager Joel at all except for when I was heading out for the day. Manager Lowanda was a bit on my last nerve, and the only Manager that's stayed on my good side--miraculously!!--was Manager Joshua!!
Speaking of Managers, Manager Larry's getting transfered to South DeLand. We're getting Carlina from South DeLand.
Now, allow me to ask the following question, uncensored:
What. The. Fuck!?
For one, I have absolutely nothing against Miss Carlina but, we just don't always see eye-to-eye on stuff. [Yes, I'd know. We've worked together before. She was there on my 22nd Birthday--my very first Closing Shift--among other odd incidents.] So, it's probably gonna be an odd round of dilemmas before I can adjust to working with her again.
Worst bit of the matter is Manager Lowanda will be holding the fort with the Crew Trainers. Which means that Karen, Kasha, Trev and I are at her mercy after Larry's transfer. And, to be honest with y'all, this is going to suck. I mean, hello!! Larry was probably the one Manager who really saw a lot of tough mettle in me when no one else really could or would have [except for Joel of course!!]. He managed to push my nerve to the limit by calling me in to work at night [2 weeks ago], having me clock in and help out--in my civilian clothes [about 3 weeks ago], and having me work in areas BESIDES the Back Drive-Thru. To be honest, I really owe Larry one helluva debt for making sure I colored outside the lines and jumped out of my comfort zone. When I get my brown shirt, I will truly be grateful for all that Manager Larry's put me through with my work experience. And, I guess, if it wasn't for him, I don't think I'd really get up the nerve to hold on to sanity during those 10-/11-hour workdays. I really wouldn't have hung on if it wasn't for Larry.
Meh, it's going to be a long couple of weeks.
In other news... well... I've been thinking...
...well, BEFORE we get to that...
...yup, Ralf back in 1976. In glasses!!
Oh Lord, he is just a beautiful, beautiful man!! I <3 that Roboter!! *swoon*
...erm, ahem. Anywho.
I guess, well, I have been thinking that, maybe, just maybe there's someone out there for me. I just don't intend to keep my hopes up. I mean, I've been doing well since the break-up [thank God!!], and it's not like Mike and I aren't going to stay friends. We are going to stay friends. That's just... that's just how it all goes. I'm moving on at a considerable pace. And it's good that he's actually gone--he's in Scotland, and that means I won't have to worry too much about him AT ALL until January, when he returns.
Though, in the midst of all of this, there's that nerve inside of me that just... holds on to that last string.
I'm probably going to hate myself for saying this but, I still love him, even though it's over. But, it's not like it used to be. This love's died down a lot... mostly burnt to cinders and such.
I know, I know, I'm never going to be with him again. It's over, it's done, it's six feet under and all that. But still, I guess I'll always be a fool.
And perhaps that's one of the reasons [though now mostly insignificant really] as to why I have that slight hope of someone out there for me.
Just that, it hurts. It really hurts inside, that what's done is done and can't be changed, not ever nor even for all the world.
So... yeah... I guess that's my humble observation of the day really.
In closing, a brand effin' new poem:
"Proceed. With. Caution."
Spontaneous yet cautious, slightly proud yet mostly humble, royal-blooded yet simple-hearted, meaning well yet misunderstood.
Holding on yet letting go, losing hopes yet still dreaming, lost in dreamland yet awake in the world, knowing I'm no one yet knowing I'm someone.
Hating Cupid yet hoping in love somehow, moving on yet standing still, fearless to the world yet fearing the world, and all the while... strange yet beautiful.
I guess this really is going to be a long couple of weeks...
...oh, and one final note of the moment:
This would be StarKnight Antenna... a Mensch-Maschine!! *clicky thumbnail!!*
Now come on, Excelsians--ain't he just ADORABLE or what!?
Until the next round... *or until i finally stop oogling antenna!!*
6:30 P.M. in the Underground right now, and I guess I feel like doing something different for this blogpost.
6:39 P.M. - I just composed a fairly unique StarMix, with some of my favorite "Songs that make me laugh like nobody's business"-type stuff. On at the moment is "Funk Dat" by Sagat. I absolutely love this song. Funny as hell. Good view on how life is... or, at least, can be for that matter.
6:43 P.M. - "Pretty in Pink" by the Psychedelic Furs is on. Not sure as to how many people know I love this song, but I really love this song. And I don't mean the original version--I'm talking the from-the-movie-"Pretty-in-Pink" version. I love this song. I really, really do.
In the meantime, hunting down "Scatman" by John Scatman. Another lost gem from the 90's. Trust me, there are some gems from the 90's that I really wouldn't mind listening to all over again, and that's one of them. "Funk Dat" is another, and "Hey Sandy" by Polaris [the Pete and Pete song] is definitely another.
6:55 P.M. - "Da Funk" by Daft Punk ranks up on that last paragraph's list too. It's on at the moment.
7:01 P.M. - Alright, I'm bored. It must be dinnertime, but I don't feel like getting on my coworkers' last nerve. And Coffee Bistro's closed. AND I still gotta finish the hunt for "Scatman."
7:09 P.M. - Thinking back as "Come Back Home" by Pete Yorn is playing, I think to myself, Maybe life isn't so bad when you're alone, but eventually I'll have to find someone whether I like it or not. I mean, supposedly this is how it goes: --You're born, --you grow up, --you fall in love, --you live happily ever after, --you die happy.
...uhhh... can I disagree a little here?
I've been convinced that I'm happier not worrying about falling in love and getting married before 50 and so on. This falling-in-love-and-getting-married thing just doesn't work for everybody. And I often joke about sending my butt off to the convent whenever I talk about being miserably single. But, honestly, I'd rather be better off single and actually HAPPY!!
Although, there's a bit of, erm, issues.
StarKnight Siren actually knows Agathangelos--Siren's sister is Agathangelos' fiancee. And Siren's already asked me about a week or so ago if I'm actually going to the wedding. Now, considering that Siren's a bit of an ex-romantic interest, and Agathangelos is a bit of an ex-crush, and chances of Agathangelos inviting my ex a bit more than just possible...
I've got a bad feeling about this wedding.
7:25 P.M. - GOT "SCATMAN"!! WOOHOO!!
In the meantime, "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot is on. I always laugh when this song comes on. Just one helluva fun song.
7:54 P.M. - There's a song by Franz Ferdinand called "Michael" that's on now. And I'm laughing like hell right now because the song's sung by a guy. And I'm dedicating that to the ex. *insert snarky laugh now*
Yeah, I know, I'm so bad.
But hey, I can't help myself!! Sometimes you just gotta smash out on the ex just so you're sure you're over it.
8:08 P.M. - ...meh, I'm bored. I'm talkin' so bored that sometimes y'gotta find stuff just so you can actually get some stuff done.
Did that make any sense? Don't worry, I didn't think so either.
8:12 P.M. - Nodding along to the single edit of Kraftwerk's "Trans-Europe Express." You know, the version from the 197? video?? Yeah, that one. Not bad either. They did a good job with the editing in my opinion.
8:19 P.M. - I'M THE SCATMAN!! *cranks up "Scatman" by Scatman John full blast*
In the meantime, let's observe something humorous here... a man with the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen.
Yes, it must be that time of the night we love...
Anywho, my humble observation on the bright steel-blue eyes of the Mensch-Maschine that is...
...oh hell, y'all know his name by now.
Anywho, possibly the sweetest pic of Ralf that I could just oogle at. I mean, come on, y'all!! Look at him. He just sits there, without one helluva care in the world!! And his bright blue eyes are just fixed on whoever's got the camera [or in this case whoever's looking at him!!]. And he just has this cute little half-smile on his face. He's just... I mean... well...
Damn. He's just adorable. Damn.
I know, I'm pathetic to go oogle-eye-happy for someone who's in Germany, helluvalot older than me, and highly elusive. But hell-o!! blue-eyed angel-voiced semi-human being here!? Now who the heck am I to resist such an intelligent, slightly odd, yet handsome individual?
8:31 P.M. - ...and just now my thoughts are somewhat interrupted as I'm glancing about the Underground--there's a cutie in the opposite corner, near the doors to the Underground. And there's a high chance that he's going to disregard my existence. And by damn, that's fine by me!!
Still, he sure is cute.
But anyway, back to the Roboter that is Ralf.
I mean, there's just something so... so... charming and, dare I say, possibly a bit romantic ["wtf!? you alright, jenn!? whatchamean 'romantic!?' need we question your sanity again?"] about him.
Yes, I said it and y'all read proper. I said "romantic."
I mean, I don't know. Maybe it's the half-smile. Or maybe it's the eyes. Or maybe I'm just an absolute wierdo [time out, that's stating the obvious!].
8:41 P.M. - "Once In A Lifetime" by Talking Heads is on.
So yeah, I'm just saying, I guess it's alright to be oogle-eye-happy at someone who's waaaaaayyyy older than me, German, a hero of music, and just downright handsome. And anyway, I guess I'm probably better off in this loony sort of manner.
Because, let's all be realistic [again...?] for a moment.
What are the odds, really, that he knows that the Trans-Underground exists? What are the odds that he knows that Excelsios exists, that there's a little strange world just outside of his beloved KlingKlang just brimming with music and admiration for him? What are the odds that he's heard of some fan being all giggle-happy over his voice and his blue eyes and his immensely-noticable stage presence? Because, let's face it, dear Excelsians... HE DOESN'T KNOW THIS BLOG IS OUT THERE!!
...he just doesn't know this exists.
Maybe, someday, he'll know we Excelsians are out there [even though there's, at the moment, only me and my ex and Pouncer and whoever of y'all are readin' this now]. Maybe he'll note our existence. Maybe he'll think it's pretty neat.
...or, erm, maybe he'll panic?? *shrug* I dunno.
8:59 P.M. - "Play That Funky Music" by White Cherry is on now. And I just noticed that, I've been at it since... erm...
Okay, I've been at this for the past 2 and a half hours now.
No, seriously. I have. And I gotta be up in 7 effin' hours!!
Can we say, lack of sleep alert here?
9:04 P.M. - The single edit version of "Europa Endlos" is on. Yes, y'all read proper--"Europa Endlos" is on. As in, the German version of the beloved "Europe Endless" is on. I love this song. And the German version isn't too bad either.
I mean, heck. Ralf just sounds wonderful no matter what language he sings.
*glances one way*
*glances the other way*
*oogles at picture. again.*
9:09 P.M. - ...alright, alright!! I'm gonna finish this post already, I promise.
So, in conclusion, life's insane, Cupid is stupid, music is the best thing even BEFORE sliced bread, and Ralf from Kraftwerk is just beautiful no matter what anyone else says.
9:10 P.M. - Final song of the night belongs to the single edit of "Trans-Europa Express '91"--and yes, it's the German version. Again.
What? Y'all don't like German music?
...never mind, let's not even go there.
But anyway, as I was saying, yes, I think Ralf is a beautiful individual and I'm sticking to my humble observation. And perhaps that makes me an absolute nerd but, I don't care. I <3 Ralf from Kraftwerk, voice and eyes and handsomeness and all!!
Last night, 9:54 P.M., on my way home from dinner at my job. The moon and, just below it, a not-too-harmful cloud.
Very beautiful moment. I think this song fits it perfect:
I don't know why... I mean, maybe I just miss my ex [really, I shouldn't, even though he's half the world away and happily doing just fine!!], or maybe I wanted to talk to Antenna [which I did after I got to my Apartment]. Or maybe I just miss this song, as I haven't heard it in ages. Or maybe...
These days, guys have been asking me out, trying to hit on me, and today was [unfortunately] no exception. Now, lately, with my short haircut and my small chest I could probably pass as a guy in certain situations if I wear the necessary clothing. Which in this case, it was a boys size medium shirt with Super Mario on it and a red pair of guys size extra-small pants that fit me pretty well. Well, odd enough guys apparently can figure out who's a chick and who isn't, and they figured me out as a chick.
In fact, one of the guys was oogling me while I was walking through Downtown DeLand earlier this afternoon. I was heading to Coffee Bistro for lunch, had my lunch, was heading outside. He was sitting OUTSIDE the coffeehouse. He wanted to talk to me because, from how he put it, I had "caught his eye" and looked like the kind of person he'd want to get to know. I in the meanwhile mentally begged to differ... big time.
So we talked for 5 minutes--he's older than me [duh], likes country music [ick], thinks I'm hawt [uh?], and wants to take me out to dinner sometime [no!]. All those five minutes, I noted the following...
1] He's not my type--hello? Cowboy!? WTF!? 2] He's never heard of Kraftwerk... or New Order, Joy Division, or new wave or punk rock or goth. He has, however, heard of AFI, and thinks they're goth. News flash: I. Don't. Think. So. 3] He thinks I might enjoy riding in his truck, among other things. [Okay creep, what other things!? Riding you!? I sooo don't think so!!] 4] He couldn't hold up an intelligent conversation because he kept talking about dinner and what I liked and where I liked to go out and whatnot. I didn't even have much to say in the matter.
All in all, I politely declined. My exact words:
"I'm sorry but you're just not my type. I don't date anti-Roboter. And anyway, I'm not interested in romantic relationships. But I figured I'd let you know where I stand. Have a nice day."
I then gave a humble grin and walked AWAY from him. I giggled to myself and then thought, WTF was THAT all about!?
I swear, if I ever have a Roboter-version of me, it has to look like this: ...yes, like this. Exactly like this, or as close to it as possible. I'll send that to all the dates, I'll let the guys have fun with that version of me. I just won't let them have their way with, well, me.
I mean, I don't mean to be harsh about it, but it's true.
These days, I'd rather dress as a guy just to keep the guys at bay. I mean, it probably shows I'm at times a guy's guy kind of gal, but let's be serious for a moment. I've given up on love, right? It's even proven that I'm a helluva lot happier being single than fussing myself over finding the so-called One. So why, dear God tell me! why is it guys just DON'T get that part of the memo?
Recalling the circumstances of just why I'm done with love--
1] Last relationship lasted nearly 3 months. We all know who the ex is. 2] Everytime I break up with someone, the ex finds someone even better and, even possibly, their 'happily ever after' with that person. 3] All the good ones are taken... 4] ...and I'm stuck with the dorks from Loserville. 5] These days, happy couples sort-of sicken me a little. 6] No one understands me really, except for my two best friends [StarKnights Moonhead and Pouncer] and StarKnight Antenna [yes, I'm declaring him a StarKnight already!].
Probably the only person who really DOES understand me at the moment... Antenna... he's all the way in New York. And remember--we just met. But we get along very, very well. Evidence--we talked on the phone last night for about an hour or so, and he's hilarious with his Ralf and Florian impersonations. Very freckin' funny. But we just get along so well talking about Kraftwerk. And unfortunately, that's probably the only friend I have that likes Kraftwerk just as much as I do.
You know, it must be time for a song...
...yep, non-Kraftwerk Song of the Week: "Funk Dat" by Sagat.
Question... Why is it that every time I'm walking down the street, Somebody wants to stop me Just to give me a flyer?
C'mon man... FUNK DAT! Get out of my way!
Question... Why is it that every time I'm walking to the bank, The tellers look at me Like I'm the one that robbed them last week?
C'mon man... FUNK DAT! What are you looking at?
Question... Why is it that every time I turn on the radio, I hear the same five songs fifteen times a day for three months?
Man... FUNK DAT! Get a new DJ!
Question... Why is it that bums ask me for money, When I ain't got none? What is it an "in" thing or something, "Let me remind this dude he ain't got no money." Huh?
Man... FUNK DAT! Get a job!
You know, Every time I see my neighboor, She tells me to stay out of trouble, The other one looks at me like I'm the one that got her daughter strung out.
C'mon man... FUNK DAT! What are you looking at?
Seems like every time it never fails, It never fails... I'm just chillin' in my crib, Minding my own business, And somebody calls me just to talk about nothing...
FUNK DAT! Get a life!
Question... Why is it that when I go out to a night club, Only the ugly chicks wanna step to me, I mean like I'm ugly or something, huh? What do you mean, huh?
FUNK DAT! Get outta my face!
Already, I feel a helluva lot better.
So, with that in mind... Question...
Why is it that no matter how I try to be happy on my own, Some guy's gotta mess with me? Gee, like I'm some sex object or something?
What the hell man... FUNK DAT!! Just get lost, boy!!
Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.
So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...