16 October 2007

Chapter 77b: And yet, another whimsical update on me...

Originally posted on my old blog, Chapter 2, and first updated in Chapter 39 of this Blog...

1. Single or taken? [Single--not that it matters.]
2. Do you have a crush on anyone? [Yes.]
3. Do they know? [One of the 4 do. Two don't know. And the fourth one might never know--he's all the way in Germany for goodness' sake!!]
4. Do you flirt a lot? [No, not really.]
6. Do cheaters deserve a 2nd chance? [Let me think--no. I've been done wrong more than enough to know better.]
7. Serious or Fun-loving? [I can be both, but it all depends on the situation.]
8. Humor or Romance? [Both. Usually.]
9. Dark or light hair? [Dark--it's black with dark brown roots. Hair growing out again.]
[HEY! Where the fook is Question 10!?]
11. Do you kiss strangers? [Not really.]
12.Do you hug strangers? [Only if I know them well enough on a first-name basis.]
13. With who and how long was your longest relationship? [Two years, ex-fiance/now best friend.]
14. Do you believe in kissing when you are not together yet? [Well... *shrug* I'm not commenting on that one, really. Only one person I know knows THAT answer.]
15. Do you think about the opposite sex a lot? [Uhm... yeahuh?]
16. Have you ever slept at a friend of the opposite sex's house? [Yep. Quite a handful, mostly because they were just friends (no, seriously, JUST FRIENDS!!), and because after dancing the night away I wasn't up for driving all the way back to DeLand at ungodly-someodd in the morning. So I stayed over at a friend's, and we'd have breakfast and I'd drive back to DeLand on that day off. *LOL*]
17. Do you tell your friends they are hot? [No... not really.]
18. Would you rather have a sweet, clever guy/girl or a wild, funny guy/girl? [I already have a sweet, clever, wild, funny guy... thank you very much. :-)]
19.Have you ever liked someone a lot who didn't like you back? [Oh, did I ever...]
20. Do you feel comfortable joking with your friends who are the opposite sex? [Damn straight I am!!]
21. Chocolates or flowers? [A bit of both. However (comma) I don't get either often so, when I do it's kinda special. Depends on the person who got them for me though.]
22. Have you ever been in the friends-with-benefits situation? [Ugh... yep. Plenty. Not exactly too proud of it at times also.]
23. Teddy Bear or Card? [What's so hard for both?]
24. Would it be sweet or annoying if someone of the opposite sex called just to say hi? [...sweet, I guess. I don't know.]
25. Ever felt like your boyfriend/girlfriend didn't like you? [Yes, unfortunately.]
26. Ever been cheated on? [Ugh, yes.]
27. Ever done the cheating? [Only once, and it was in the name of revenge.]
28. Ever cried over a break up? [If I was the one getting dumped, yep. If I was the one dumping the guy, nope.]
29. Ever kissed or hugged your girlfriend/boyfriend in front of a parent? [No.]
30. Do you believe in miracles? [I used to.]
31. Is it easy for you to get over people who were special to you? [Unfortunately, no.]
32. Have you ever made a birthday wish or blew on a dandelion? [Yep. Both.]
33. Have you ever had your heart broken? [Yep, and the last time that happened it was t...]

The Official Two Word Survey:
1. Yourself: [Happily Single.]
2. Your car: [is gone.]
3. Your Hair: [Black, short.]
4. Your mother: [Which one?]
5. Your father: [Which one?]
6. Your Favorite Item: [iPod Nano.]
7. Your Dream Last Night: [Can't say.]
8. Your Favorite Drink: [Vitamin Water.]
9. Your Dream Home: [My Apartment.]
10. The Room You Are In: [Excelsios Underground.]
11. Your Pet: [I've none!]
12. Your fear: [Broken heart.]
13. Where You Want to be in Ten Years: [Just happy.]
14. Who you hung out with last night: [No one.]
15. What You're Not: [Completely bored!!!]
16. Your Best Friend: [are plentiful!]
17. One of Your Wish List Items: [Meeting Kraftwerk!!]
18. Your Gender: [All girl!!]
19. The Last Thing You Did: [Music-listening.]
20. What You Are Wearing: [Work uniform.]
21. Your Favorite Weather: [Chilly/sunny.]
22. Your Favorite Book: [Martyr Book.]
23. The Last Thing You Ate: [Snack Wraps.]
24. Your Life: [is strange.]
25. Your Mood: [Sorta bored.]
26. The last person you talked to on the phone: [My crush??]

1. WHAT MADE YOU SMILE YESTERDAY? [Listening to Kraftwerk.]
2. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT 8 THIS MORNING? [Busting my butt at work.]
3. WHAT WERE YOU DOING 15 MINUTES AGO? [Somewhere between a survey and IM'ing a friend of mine.]
4. SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU IN 1995? [...hey, wasn't that the year I went to Disney World!? Or the year I got chicken pox and had to miss the 5th Grade Spelling Bee because of it!?]
5. LAST THING YOU SAID ALOUD? [Ralf!! Steel-blue eyes!! Hee!!]
6. HOW MANY DIFFERENT THINGS DID YOU DRINK TODAY? [Two: Iced Coffee and bottled water.]
7. WHERE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND RIGHT NOW? [Depends on which one you're talking about. Female best friend is in Miami. Male best friend is in Louisiana.]
9. WHAT IS OUT YOUR BACK DOOR? [My apartment has only one door.]
11. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? [$30 from my Grandparents in California!!]
13. WHERE DO YOU KEEP YOUR CHANGE? [In my pocket!]
14. WHATS THE WEATHER LIKE TODAY? [It's actually very nice outside. Really.]
15. BEST ICE CREAM FLAVOR? [Anything mostly chocolate, except for mocha. Ick.]
16. SOMETHING YOU'RE EXCITED ABOUT? [Filling my iPod with Kraftwerk and New Order!!]
17. LAST RAINBOW YOU SAW? [Rainbows are actually bad news.]
19. DO YOU HAVE ANY SISTERS? [Yep. I have one.]
20. ARE YOU VERY RANDOM? [I usually am. Sometimes.]
21. DO YOU WANT TO CUT YOUR HAIR? [Did that two weeks ago.]
22. ARE YOU OVER THE AGE OF 22? [Try 24.]
23. DO YOU TALK A LOT? [...]
24. DO YOU WATCH THE OC? [I don't think so.]
25. WHAT DAY DOES YOUR SCHOOL END THIS YEAR? [You mean what did DID my Senior Year end? Which in that case it was this summer five years ago.]
27. DO YOU KNOW ANYONE CALLED STEVE? [I actually know about 4 or 5 people called Steve.]
28. DO YOU MAKE UP YOUR OWN WORDS? [Pretty oftenish. *grin*]
29. ARE YOU TICKLISH? [Very. VERY. Ticklish.]
30. ARE YOU TYPICALLY A JEALOUS PERSON? [Used to be, but jealously's sooo uncool.]

Alright, for the most part, there ya go.

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me