16 October 2007

Chapter 77: Moving on strongly, holding on tightly.

...progress is being made, slowly but surely.

Song of the night: "So Many People" [extended dance mix] by Hubert Kah.

Joshua's hoping he doesn't have to work tomorrow [like myself] so that we could hang out and do something. So far, we've talked music. He likes classic rock while I'm more of an old-school goth/new wave/technopop [Kraftwerk!!]/punk rock girl. And, apparently, he likes what he sees in me. So far.

I mean, he's a nice guy, he's pretty cool. We don't talk a whole lot but, he's alright. He's rather handsome too. And, well, yeah, he seems really nice to just hang out with. But still--news flash!! I'm not going to hold my hopes up.

...yeah, still sort of holding on to my heart for dear life, all while pressing forward to brighter things. And to do that takes a whole lot of guts!!

Especially with my heart still in semi-fragments. Yeah, I'm still mending it.

Meanwhile, turns out the meeting's on NEXT Monday, not yesterday. Dear God, I was warped out of my head. Thankfully, I still have another week to finish up some SOC's and get that ready for Assistant Manager Larry, who'll be administering the meeting on Monday.

I asked Manager Joel about when my brown shirt [my junior manager shirt] was gonna be in last night, he said "Soon." So, that's something for me to look forward to, big time.

Speaking of, I also had the thrill of running into Manager Barb last night. We managed to catch up on things and she's been waiting patiently for the day that I'd be promoted to some level of management!! She's excited for me, and I don't blame her at all.

In other news, yes, I'm still oogling Ralf's steel-blue eyes. Beeeeeeautiful, beautiful steel-blue eyes. *sigh* I swear, I could just drown in them. Just, waaawww.

[I'm oogle-eyed over a German who's made technopop for over 3 decades--is that wrong?? Please tell me it's not wrong!!

And finally, I happily have an iPod Nano. 4 GB. Got all my Kraftwerk in it [geez, speak of that handsome German's band, why not!? *facepalm*]

...is it stupid of me to think of Ralf more than of Joshua!? No one ever told me it was wrong!!

Maybe... maybe I'm just wierd like that. And I guess I'm just happy to be that way.

Until the next round...

~ 'Sunshine'

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me