means, "I'm your slave, I'm your worker" in Russian. If you're familiar with the Kraftwerk song "Die Roboter," there's a part of the song where the lyrics sung are
Ja tvoi sluga, Ja tvoi Rabotnik
...basically, that's the Russian part of the song.
It all ties in with what tomorrow is. It's Halloween. And I'm going to be the Mensch-Maschine for the occassion. It's gonna be one fun festivity to take lots of pictures for. Trust me.
In other interesting oogle-happy whim, Antenna sent me word on the Morning Roll Call--"all present & accounted for frau kommandant" as he puts it. Evidence:
![Woowww!! It's the Schaufensterpuppen [Showroom Dummies]!! Niiice!!](http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t90/starknight1sun/8.jpg)
You know, I'm having a very funny feeling about all this, between Antenna and I and, mind you, he's all the way in New freggin' York!!
...perhaps it is a small good thing to get my hopes up...
In case I'm too busy to post tomorrow, Happy Halloween to all from the Underground!!
~ 'Sunshine'
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