His niece passed away sometime this week. She was born prematurely some months ago, was diagnosed with... not sure if it was leukemia [sorry if it's spelt wrong] or pneumonia... but anywho.
Ducky had asked the Choir--and the parish--to pray for his sister and the baby, and for his mother who had some health issues of her own.
So right now the death toll occuring to someone in my Chain of Friends is at 7, in 4 months. So.un.freckin'.fair. Spent the better part of Friday night after finding out about it in solitude, until I got Roboter on the phone and, basically, finally cried for about an hour and a half or so. Most of the phone conversation was better spent in silence. But the fact that I could rely on him when I needed a good cry was enough for me to endure yesterday on five hours of sleep. It was worth the tears, lack of sleep be damned. And yes, my coworkers were a positive help albeit I was mostly half-asleep throughout yesterday. Mad props to them, big time.
So tomorrow I'm off. Laundry day. Pay day. Sleep-in day. Add-more-music-to-the-'Pod day. Day-before-getting-back-to-work day. Monday.
But, it's hard to face the next few days when a prayer gets answered in a way that, at first, you think isn't fair. Why did the little one have to die?
I am sure, however, that God had better plans for her than a life of pain... that's my current hope of the day, and I'm sticking to it.
~ Saint Paul's Letter to the Romans, Chapter 8