18 June 2008

Chapter 142 ~ I *really* shouldn't be awake right now. Seriously.

*minor little note for everyone on my facebook ~ welcome to my regularly-scheduled blog, the Trans-Underground Express. i imported this blog onto my facebook notes, so for all the actual latest and not just the simple small status, tune in here.*

Usually a 7 A.M.-3 P.M. workday doesn't kill me. Today however fcuked me out. Really.

All throughout breakfasttime, our Drive-thru computer system had its own major fit and three quarters. Orders not being cleared though already paid out, other orders disappearing after they're taken. Finally it got to the point where our Supervisor had to shut the system down, and for the better part of about 15 minutes we had to redirect customers to the first window so that I could write down their orders, calculate the total [thank God for the calculator on my cell phone], AND cash out the orders. After the shut-down, about a minute later the Supervisor restarted the system, and it's been acting alright since, just in time for Change-over. My punch-line to my Store Manager: "Thank God this went on today instead of yesterday or else we'd all been screwed."

For those who didn't really know, our Store had an inspection yesterday. And we passed.

But anyway... :-\

So of course everything's better by Change-over, I have my break, eat something, clock back in and help my coworker out in Drive-thru First Window [back drive-thru] as I took orders and she cashed 'em out during Lunch. But then... something not quite right with the speaker? Or was it the headset? Or maybe me...?

"I'm sorry, but could you please speak up a bit louder?"

I couldn't hear the customers' orders!? But what the heck was going on? I had to go through the whole Lunch Rush hour with the custom intro of the day, as follows:

"Welcome to McDonald's, go ahead with your order, and please speak up as we're having minor problems with the speaker at this time."

Thankfully everyone understood. I however was kinda ticked off. And then said coworker had to go in the grill, by then the speaker situation was fixed. Of course I was relieved, except now I'm single-handedly taking on the Drive-thru again, and by this point I'm exhausted, worn out, and... lightheaded!?

Yep, that's never really happened, ever, but I could've sworn I almost keeled over by either exhaustion, lightheadedness, or both. In either case, I didn't feel so great. And if you add all the mess I'd been through since I clocked in this morning...

yeah, it scares the schnappes right out of me.

After Rabbit changed out the drawer at around 2:30-ish, I was still hanging in there but I hadn't really felt any better either. I'd take a sip of water after every other order, hoping that would help some. Can't really say it did. But I was glad to get done for the day at around 3:30, and I got home to pass out for a while. I'm just now getting around to this.

Tomorrow I have to be up early [5 A.M.-1 P.M. work shift], and then the Choir reconvenes at a quarter after 3 later in the afternoon to be at a memorial for the late husband of one of our fellow Choristers. This is the second Choral Widow in the past three weeks. AND I still have to re-blue the hair.

Ugh, that's right, it's Thursday tomorrow too. Can the Top 20 WSUR wait until Friday? I think it can. So tomorrow's Top 20 music post will be postponed until Friday, since I'll be so busy it's almost senselessly stupid.

Now earlier I'd prayed that God would just jump in and right something--anything--as things weren't so great. And that was at the beginning of Lunch Rush!

God's answer: between the coworker and I, and despite all of the mess of the day, her drawer was only $0.23 off.

I really can't think straight.

I'm exhausted,
I'm dizzy,
I'm lightheaded.

I'm out of it.
It's miraculous I survived the 20-minute walk home.
And I really need to rest up,
I have a very long day tomorrow...

...wait, what day is tomorrow again...

*WHOOPS! Edited to add ~ The reason why I couldn't hear the customers' orders was because the Supervisor just HAD to post up a flyer about our Wednesday special RIGHT OVER THE ACTUAL SPEAKER!! This I noticed as I was leaving work and walking home. I guess he must've moved it after he got word I was having trouble hearing the customers. Why oh fcuking why...*

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me