03 June 2008

Chapter 134: Alright, I've got some updating to do...

Originally posted on my old blog, Chapter 2, first updated in Chapter 39 of this Blog, the second update was Chapter 77b...

1. Single or taken? [Happily taken.]
2. Do you have a crush on anyone? [Yes. Two in fact.]
3. Do they know? [One of the 2 do--heck, I'm dating him! And the other one might never know--he's all the way in Germany for goodness' sake!!]
4. Do you flirt a lot? [No, not really.]
6. Do cheaters deserve a 2nd chance? [Let me think--no. I've been done wrong more than enough to know better.]
7. Serious or Fun-loving? [I can be both, but it all depends on the situation. And lately I've been a bit too serious--except when I'm with Siren.]
8. Humor or Romance? [Both. Usually.]
9. Dark or light hair? [Dark--then again, it's blue for goodness' sake!! *LOL*]
[Still never really quite found Question #10. Sorry.]
11. Do you kiss strangers? [Nope. Not that stupid, really.]
12.Do you hug strangers? [Only if I know them well enough on a first-name basis.]
13. With who and how long was your longest relationship? [Two years, ex-fiance/now best friend.]
14. Do you believe in kissing when you are not together yet? [Well... *shrug* I'm not commenting on that one, really. Only one person I know knows THAT answer.]
15. Do you think about the opposite sex a lot? [Uhm... yeahuh?]
16. Have you ever slept at a friend of the opposite sex's house? [Yep. Quite a handful, mostly because they were just friends (no, seriously, JUST FRIENDS!!), and because after dancing the night away I wasn't up for driving all the way back to DeLand at ungodly-someodd in the morning. So I stayed over at a friend's, and we'd have breakfast and I'd drive back to DeLand on that day off. *LOL* Oh and, yes, I have stayed over at Siren's before.]
17. Do you tell your friends they are hot? [No... not really.]
18. Would you rather have a sweet, clever guy/girl or a wild, funny guy/girl? [I already have a sweet, clever, wild, funny guy... thank you very much. :-)]
19.Have you ever liked someone a lot who didn't like you back? [Yes, and by damn did I ever...]
20. Do you feel comfortable joking with your friends who are the opposite sex? [Damn straight I am!!]
21. Chocolates or flowers? [A bit of both. However (comma) I don't get either often so, when I do it's kinda special. Depends on the person who got them for me though.]
22. Have you ever been in the friends-with-benefits situation? [Ugh... yep. Plenty. Not exactly too proud of it at times also.]
23. Teddy Bear or Card? [What's so hard for both?]
24. Would it be sweet or annoying if someone of the opposite sex called just to say hi? [...sweet, I guess. I don't know.]
25. Ever felt like your boyfriend/girlfriend didn't like you? [Yes, unfortunately. At some point in my life.]
26. Ever been cheated on? [Ugh, yes.]
27. Ever done the cheating? [Only once, and it was in the name of revenge.]
28. Ever cried over a break up? [If I was the one getting dumped, yep. If I was the one dumping the guy, nope.]
29. Ever kissed or hugged your girlfriend/boyfriend in front of a parent? [Yep.]
30. Do you believe in miracles? [I have a lot of reasons to.]
31. Is it easy for you to get over people who were special to you? [Unfortunately, no.]
32. Have you ever made a birthday wish or blew on a dandelion? [Yep. Both.]
33. Have you ever had your heart broken? [Yep, plenty times...]

The Official Two Word Survey:
1. Yourself: [Uber. Quirky.]
2. Your car: [is gone.]
3. Your Hair: [Blue, cool.]
4. Your mother: [Which one?]
5. Your father: [Which one?]
6. Your Favorite Item: [iPod Nano.]
7. Your Dream Last Night: [My boyfriend.]
8. Your Favorite Drink: [Mocha Frappuccino.]
9. Your Dream Home: [My Apartment.]
10. The Room You Are In: [The Underground.]
11. Your Pet: [I've none!]
12. Your fear: [Untimely death.]
13. Where You Want to be in Ten Years: [Just happy.]
14. Who you hung out with last night: [Two friends.]
15. What You're Not: [Entirely exhausted...!]
16. Your Best Friend: [are plentiful!]
17. One of Your Wish List Items: [Meeting Kraftwerk!!]
18. Your Gender: [All girl!!]
19. The Last Thing You Did: [Music-listening.]
20. What You Are Wearing: [Work uniform.]
21. Your Favorite Weather: [Chilly/sunny.]
22. Your Favorite Book: [Martyr Book.]
23. The Last Thing You Ate: [Starburst candy.]
24. Your Life: [is strange.]
25. Your Mood: [Sorta bored.]
26. The last person you talked to on the phone: [My homegal!]

1. WHAT MADE YOU SMILE YESTERDAY? [That one pic of Ralf from Kraftwerk that Louise sent me!!]
2. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT 8 THIS MORNING? [Mid-Breakfast Rush. 'Nuff said.]
3. WHAT WERE YOU DOING 15 MINUTES AGO? [Somewhere between a survey and IM'ing my boyfriend.]
4. SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU IN 1995? [...hey, wasn't that the year I went to Disney World!? Or the year I got chicken pox and had to miss the 5th Grade Spelling Bee because of it!?]
5. LAST THING YOU SAID ALOUD? [Sweet Mother of God...]
6. HOW MANY DIFFERENT THINGS DID YOU DRINK TODAY? [Three: Iced Coffee, bottled water, and a Double-Mocha Frappuccino.]
7. WHERE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND RIGHT NOW? [Depends on which one you're talking about. Female best friend is in Miami. Male best friend is in Louisiana. Another female best friend is in town.]
8. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR TOOTHBRUSH? [Do I actually pay attention to that kind of stuff these days?]
9. WHAT IS OUT YOUR BACK DOOR? [My apartment has only one door.]
10. LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? [Lip gloss. Hee.]
11. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? [...hell, I don't remember...]
14. WHATS THE WEATHER LIKE TODAY? [Hot as hell. 'Nuff said.]
15. BEST ICE CREAM FLAVOR? [Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Yum.]
16. SOMETHING YOU'RE EXCITED ABOUT? [Seeing Siren again in less than 6 weeks--woohoo!!]
17. LAST RAINBOW YOU SAW? [Rainbows are actually bad news.]
19. DO YOU HAVE ANY SISTERS? [Yep. I have one.]
20. ARE YOU VERY RANDOM? [I can be. And I usually am. Sometimes.]
21. DO YOU WANT TO CUT YOUR HAIR? [Trim, maybe. Otherwise, nope.]
22. ARE YOU OVER THE AGE OF 22? [Try 24 and a half!]
23. DO YOU TALK A LOT? [...]
24. DO YOU WATCH THE OC? [I don't think so.]
25. WHAT DAY DOES YOUR SCHOOL END THIS YEAR? [You mean what did DID my Senior Year end? Which in that case it was this month six years ago.]
27. DO YOU KNOW ANYONE CALLED STEVE? [Actually, yes. That's the boyfriend. Or Siren.]
28. DO YOU MAKE UP YOUR OWN WORDS? [Pretty oftenish. *grin*]
29. ARE YOU TICKLISH? [Very. VERY. Ticklish.]
30. ARE YOU TYPICALLY A JEALOUS PERSON? [I can be, if necessary...]

*whew* I guess things haven't really changed much since I last did this, have they?

Until the next round...

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me