16 September 2008

codename ~ QUIRKSTER

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Underground, is it wrong to be oh-so-freckin'-wierd?

I prefer to be the wacky, cute and quirky individual that God made me to be, instead of so-called normal that everyone and their socialist cousin too asks of me. These days I've been asking myself, What do I love about this inconstant person called me? Well, it's the quirky things about me, so let me admit to myself [and you Underground Citizens] that...

~ I love--LOVE--listening to the soundtracks from the anime Sailor Moon. I never get tired of it. Seriously. Fan for 12 years, and for ever!
~ What's wrong with being the madcap StarKnight Captain and giving my friends odd nicknames/codenames?
~ I think the nickname Sunshine kinda suits me proper, don't you?
~ I do NOT tolerate arrogance, and I try myself not to show arrogance. Practicing what I preach, preaching by practicing, is the way it should be done. And many a guy has no chance with me because of their arrogance. 'Nuff said.
~ I wear black. Long-sleeves. In summertime. What!?
~ I like my punk with some Bach. Ah, the pride of being a Chorister!
~ Doctor WHO: Coolest. Show. Ever.
~ Tom Baker: Best. Doctor. Ever.
~ I'm all gush-silly over someone who lives in New York. And I love him!
~ My favorite colors are, in the order I started liking them [you read proper!]: blue, black, silver, purple, red and yellow. I just recently started liking pink. YES! Pink!!
~ I had a crush on Billy the Blue Ranger as a kid. And then Adam the Black Ranger. Never really understood why the other girls went after Tommy the White Ranger--HANDS OFF!! he belongs to Kimberly the Pink Ranger, don't you know? And I still think Jason the Red Ranger and Trini the Yellow Ranger made a cute couple. Yeah, I know. I'm a dork. But the old-school Power Rangers are just fcuking awesome!!
~ I like eating cinnamon bread and chocolate syrup sandwiches. YUM!
~ Favorite comfort food: grilled cheese and soup. Especially if Mom's making the grilled-cheese and the soup is chicken noodle or tomato.
~ My music range is [old-school] punk and alternative, new wave, indie, and electronic. Oh, and some classical stuff, especailly if it's choral work with the help of an organ. Or if it's on an organ or harpsichord altogether. Or if Dr. Rickman's on the piano.
~ Anyone remember The Adventures of Pete and Pete on Nickelodeon when we oldies were kiddies? I had a crush on Big Pete. He's better off with Ellen though. And Little Pete and Nona made a cute couple too!
~ I'm terrified of dragonflies but LOVE butterflies! [what?]
~ I have a short temper. Do NOT mess with me. We Hispanic folk have eeeeeeeevil tempers, no?
~ I'm scared of death. Seriously. I'm afraid of it. And when it happens to someone I know the fear goes 10X worse.
~ And did I mention, I'm a self-proclaimed butterball punk of my choir, and damn proud of!?

And to add to being the quirky oddity that I'm proud to be, thank you, Delia Derbyshire, for this classic Doctor WHO treat, which is my Song of the Day:
"Chromophone Band" - Delia Derbyshire

Adding to the oddness some more--a song that, mind you, the lead singer of this group is a GUY. Y'all been sorta warned. No, it's safe for work, really. Just... well... yeah. *shrug*
"Your Woman" - White Town

Alrighty, I think that takes care of the codename for now, I owe two tomorrow [one for yesterday]. Sunday doesn't count, as I was off one day on my countdown. *lol*

Until the next round...

~ me, codename quirkster

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me