30 March 2008

Chapter 109: Life brings Chaos, and with it, Angels.

For one, can I apologize for having not posted in a few days? For the record, I'm sick. Yes, the StarKnight Captain has fallen under the weather as of mid-morning Friday, and it was bad [can we say, bad head cold from hell?]. As a result I went home early yesterday after working only three hours, not only because of employee surplus, but also because I wasn't feeling fantastic and the Managers felt I should be put out of my misery for the day. Siren [who stayed over at my apartment for a couple of days] picked me up from work, and for about 6 hours I was practically bedridden [not by force--but by MY OWN CHOICE] until he got me up and out for Lunch [Subway anyone?]. So the hero of the weekend is dear Siren. <3

Meanwhile, the treat of the weekend happens to be this morning, when I was at Church. Padre mentioned a bit about the Prayer Shawl Ministry, and there were a few Shawls out on the Altar Rail. A note about this ministry - the Shawlmakers make Shawls anonymously, and are given to people who are in need of one. Well, I felt I could use one, and so I mentioned it to Nana after the Service, who then gave me the okay to go to the Sacristy to pick one out. I picked out this pretty red-and-pink Shawl and, after thanking Nana, went back to the Choir Room to put my stuff and Cassock/Cotta away. And that was when Steffi [my best friend Soprano in the Choir] cheered with glee, "You adopted it!" I looked at her like, "Huh?"

It turns out, Steffi herself is one of the Shawlmakers, and the one I picked out was the one she made!

So much for anonymity. *LOL* *hugs Prayer Shawl*

Terry [my best friend Alto in the Choir, and Steffi's best friend since for ever] was quite thrilled about the news as Steffi herself placed the Shawl over my shoulders. It was then that I realized that, I have truly found myself some of the most wonderful friends that God could place me with.

There are times when I'm thankful that I became an Episcopalian a year and a half ago. Today is definitely one of them.

I promise I'll try to post more random odd bits as life progresses and my health speedily improves. First, a few quick Mille Grazie's...

--for Karen, who went through the trouble of getting me the meds on Friday
--for Manager Wendy, who sent Karen in the first place
--for Ma [Manager JoAnne], who felt it best that I went home early yesterday to get more rest and recover,
--for Joel [Store Manager], who understood that his "4th daughter" wasn't feeling all too good -_-'
--for Siren, who went out of his way to make sure I got my rest and recovered, especially yesterday
--for Steffi, who knit the Prayer Shawl
--for everyone, who's kept me in kind thoughts and prayers as I swiftly recover in spite of the hell of medications and 11 P.M. and 3 A.M. wake-up interruptions simply to take the meds

This illness shall pass. I will rise above it.

Until the next round...

~ "Sunshine"

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me