26 September 2007

Chapter 68: Eclectronica - Kraftwerk. [Yep, another StarMix currently in the works.]

The world of being eclectronic...

[you'd never think this was the outside of the library, looking up, just as i'm heading to the underground!! wednesday 26 september 2007.]

As of right now, I have the following Kraftwerk albums [in the order uploaded into the system]--

Tour de France Soundtracks
The Man-Machine [somewhat not-so-good quality]
Trans-Europe Express
Radio-Activity [currently downloading into the system]
Computer World [next to be downloaded into the system]

Hoping to input into the system soon:
The Man-Machine [a better-quality version, thank you!]
Electric Cafe
The Mix

So, as one could guess, as soon as that's done, it's into the MP3 player [right beside New Order and, space permitting, Joy Division or Warsaw] they go, music and all, to be enjoyed without excessive batteries for annoyance.

There's always, of course, putting them into c.d.s and making the StarMixes, as we all know me to be good at those.

I'm currently revising my 7"-version Kraftwerk Trans-Underground mix, as I got the 'TEE' album last night, which includes the beautiful first-track-worthy "Europe Endless." I.Love.This.Song. But anywho, the Trans-Underground 7"-version mix, aptly titled "Eclectronica," up to "The Man-Machine" is pretty much the same. "TEE" 12"-extended is still the last track.

Original track listing:
Nummern [Numbers]
Aéro Dynamik *Kling Klang Radio Mix*
Die Roboter [The Robots]
Trans-Europe Express [Trans-Europa Express] *Total Mix*
Expo 2000
The Man-Machine [Die Mensch-Maschine]
Antenna [Antenne]
Radioactivity [Radioactivität]
Neon Lights [Neonlicht]
Trans-Europe Express [Trans-Europa Express] *12" Extended Mix*

New track listing:
Nummern [Numbers]
Aéro Dynamik *Kling Klang Radio Mix*
Die Roboter [The Robots]
Trans-Europe Express [Trans-Europa Express] *Total Mix*
Expo 2000
The Man-Machine [Die Mensch-Maschine]
Ohm Sweet Ohm
It's More Fun To Compute
Europe Endless
Trans-Europe Express [Trans-Europa Express] *12" Extended Mix*

I'm giving the first mix version to my friend Tabbsy, who's a sweetheart and a half. She's also a fellow Junior-Manager trainee as I am. And she likes to listen to Kraftwerk--yeah, I introduced her to the eclectronic mensch-maschine that is Kraftwerk. And she liked what she heard, which is a pretty cool thing. So, I'm giving her this particular mix.

Meanwhile I still gotta go take care of my paycheck dilemma. Problem is, the bank's closed now, and I'm broke until tomorrow when I do take care of the paycheck.

Thank the good heavens there's something called music blogs. Amen to that!!

Until the next round...

~ me.

*EDITED ON WED 26 SEPT 2007--revised the new playlist*

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me