13 September 2007

Chapter 62: A new year. [Rosh Hashanah, and what's led up to this time.]

Song of the day--

For one, Happy Rosh Hashanah and L'shana Tova 5768!! Yep, it's the Jewish New Year as of last night, and to be honest with you guys this is exactly what I needed. Three days off of work so that I can concentrate on renewing my nerves. That and, it's Rosh Hashanah. How on earth could I miss celebrating with my Jewish second family?

Exactly. I'm happily missing work--just for this!!

So, what's led me to celebrate a new start-up in the Jewish calendar? Well for one, the past two and a half weeks have been nothing short of chaos. Cupid's come to hate me, a good majority of the world I've known's come to hate me, and at this point I'm hoping God's not laughing at me so much. :-\ Yeah, it's been that bad.

Sooo... according to the timeline...

--Monday 27 August - Michael breaks up with me.
--Tuesday 28 August - Damn near everybody kills me over muffin prices at my job.
--Wednesday 29 August - In rebellion and ill-temperament, I dye my hair black.
--Friday 31 August - First new picture of me with black hair.
--Sunday 2 September - Grandma Sharon's birthday.
--Monday 3 September - Labor Day... and I still had to work!! Also posted the main storyplot of "Trans-Europa."
--Tuesday 4 September - Last time I saw Rex at his job.
--Wednesday 5 September - First Choir Practice at St. B's. Posted the Prelude after practice.
--Thursday 6 September - I reaffirmed my feelings... only to have them crushed.
--Friday 7 September - Mike leaves for Scotland. On his birthday, no less.
--Saturday 8 September - The inspection at work... which I ended up panicking mercilessly over. Luckily we passed, but still. I think I broke the panic button. Also posted up two new Chapters on "Trans-Europa."
--Sunday 9 September - The triumphant return of the Choir at St. B's.
--Monday 10 September - Posted Chapter 3 of "Trans-Europa." Store Manager Joel begins vacation until next week sometime.
--Tuesday 11 September - Six-year anniversary of 9/11.
--Wednesday 12 September - Got my hair cut. Happy Rosh Hashanah.

...and yes, you all read proper: I. Got. My. Hair. Cut.

[the world can have my sanity but they'll never have my hair! wednesday 12 september 2007.]

Besides the fact of the matter that it's a change from the normal, it's my way of telling the world a big "SCREW YOU!!", minus the fingers. I mean, hell. If I'm gonna be stuck alone for the rest of eternity, I better get myself happily adjusted to the fact of the matter that I'm better off looking like a goth/punk nun than a normal girl. *chuckle*

Yeah, I know. I'm just one bitter little *bleep*.

But you know, the truth of it all is that, perhaps I really am better off alone in this world. I've got no reason anymore to grow my hair out. I've got no one to impress. I've got nothing to prove.

I'm just an ordinairy strange girl that means nothing to society.

I don't really know where I stand, whether in society or in my circles of friendships. And with my luck I'll ever come across true love. I guess, the most I can do is just be happy with the few good friendships I have, the dear second families in the Episcopal Choir and the Jewish Temple Israel, my coworkers and managers, my family and extended families. I guess... I suppose I really am better off being the duchess of simpleton, the unassuming child of royal blood that's often been given the eye by those that would scare me into hiding in my apartment, while I end up wanting those I cannot have.

You know, the last time I got my hair boyishly short was January 2006. Let's see how long it takes me to want to grow it out. As I said, I've got no reason to keep it long anymore.

I wonder what the ex [if anything] has to say about this.

And knowing him, he. Probably. Does. Not. Care.

Until the next round, cheers.

~ 'Sunshine'

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[What goes down in the Underground...]

Mondays start the new workweek. Wednesdays tend to differ, depending on if I need to work or not--usually I'm off, and usually visiting "Uncle" Joseph. Thursdays is the Daughters of the King meeting night. Fridays and Saturdays are normally hectic--never the same drama twice. Sundays = Church day. I update the blog accordingly, with a rant or two, the occasional music post, and sometimes the most random nonsuch.

So stay tuned, because things are fixing to get interesting... and, save your forks--the best is yet to come...

~ me